every has their own new year resolution. As for me, I has thought a few new year resolution. First new year resolution that I ever thought is to get flying colour result for the first semester. I want to get dean award by getting 3.5 and above. i want to make my family to be proud of me. I also hoping that by getting good result my siblings can make me as their idol to give them inspirations..By getting good result also i want to continue my study at united kingdom after finished my diploma studies and got a my diploma certificate...
for my second resolution...I hope that I can do my house chores such as cooking,cleaning,and ,many more.....so that my parents can be proud of me also for my early preparation before Im getting married with someone that I love...
my third intention is i want to gain more and more knowledge in accounting field because i want to make my dream comes true.....my dream is i want to be a successful accountant and i want to run my accounting firm.......and my firm got certificate from ACCA and MIA and CPA and so on..........